How make random key generator with visual basic or visual studio.
Add one text box and button.
Button 1 code:
TextBox1.Text = GenerateCode()
All code there:
Public Class Form1
Public Function GenerateCode() As Object
Dim IntRnd As Object
Dim IntStep As Object
Dim strName As Object
Dim IntNameLength As Object
Dim IntLength As Object
Dim StrInputString As Object
IntLength = Len(StrInputString)
IntNameLength = 15
strName = ""
For IntStep = 1 To IntNameLength
IntRnd = Int((IntLength * Rnd()) + 1)
strName = strName & Mid(StrInputString, IntRnd, 1)
GenerateCode = strName
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text = GenerateCode()
End Sub
End Class
*If you want to change the length of the generated code, just change 'IntNameLength' value.
*If you want to edit the Numbers and letters or Symbols that get randomized then edit the 'StrInputString' value.
*I for one are using it to generate a Activation Key for a user when he buys my product.Just saves time to make up my own code...
*This can be in a variety of different ways.It can help add security etc.